What is JSON and how JSON Formatter Online work ?

JSON i.e. Javascript object notation, is a lightweight data interchange format which is commonly used to transmit data between server and web or mobile application, or between different parts of Softwares.

JSON data is easy for humans to read and write. JSON is basically based on Javascript programming language, but it is compatible with another language as well because it is language independent format. in this blog will tell how to do JSON Formatter Online.

And now for something completely different!

Text on the Web

Text is the most accessible format for information on the web. Screen readers understand text best and the same applies to most assistive technology, such as translation apps and Braille displays. So, if you have anything on your webpage that’s not text, you must add some text that gives your user the same information.

The only exception from the rule is decoration, formatting and invisible content: if non-text content is pure decoration, is used only for visual formatting or is not presented to users, then it must be implemented in a way that it can be ignored by assistive technology.


Always add a on your element in order to make screen reader software read the text on the page in the correct language. Remember to set the ISO_639-1 language code (e.g.: de, en, fr, es, it) while making sure that, if the language for your website changed globally (i.e.: someone clicked on a link inside a language navigation) you need to replace the value dynamically.

If parts of a website are written in a different language, set the same attribute with the correct language code on the parent element. Wikipedia, for example, almost always provides translations to articles created and links to those translations in their sidebar. Each link text is already translated into the language the article linked to will be. So, each link in the Wikipedia Translations Navigation has a lang-Attribute.

Note: don't mistake hreflang for something alike because that attribute is only relevant for crawlers/SEO. It has nothing to do with accessibility.


As a sighted user, when we land on a webpage, we scan the content and seek for the most relevant part regarding our own interests – then we start from there and navigate around the page and/or website. Landmarks provide users of assistive technology with means to first scan and then navigate webpages. By pressing combinations of keys the user can jump around the DOM and set focus to those elements.

There'sa wonderful browser extension, which gives you access to those landmarks and enables you to jump through them, just like with assistive technology.

A man with a hooded sweater standing in the woods


While landmarks are great for users with assistive technology at their hands, sighted keyboard users do not have any means to jump over headers, navigations and any other elements between the start of the DOM tree and the precious content they came to your site for. For them,there's skip links.

By repeatedly hitting the Tab key, a user sets focus to the focusable elements in a webpage. Setting focus on a skip link should reveal it if it is hidden in the first place! Skip links should be the first elements of your HTML document. Depending on your page structure you might need more than just one.

An Example for Skiplinks

You provide users with a navigation, a site-search, an index navigation and a main content area. In any case, you should at least have a skip link pointing at the main content! Always! It also makes sense to have a skip link pointing at the site search, as experienced (repeating) visitors to your website might prefer to search for what they came looking for instead of moving from page to page.

Note: all this advice about skip links is depending on your site's structure and, foremost, on your users’ needs!